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60 Years Schukat
- Schukat Insights
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Schukat Insights

Schukat Insights - Today: Partnership

20.05.2021 | But what does part­ner­ship actu­al­ly mean? For us at Schukat, for exam­ple, it's open com­mu­ni­ca­tion between our cus­tomers, sup­pli­ers and us about fair prices, high avail­abil­i­ty and the selec­tion of suit­able prod­ucts, as well as close and per­son­al sup­port - even in spe­cial times like allo­ca­tion.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Digitalization

19.08.2020 | Schukat always fol­lows the chang­ing times, so we have been under­go­ing a trans­for­ma­tion into a paper­less com­pa­ny for sev­er­al years. To achieve our goal, we have intro­duced EDI - resources are saved, com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels are short­er and the error rate is low­er.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Participation

23.04.2020 | (0:45) ''Schukat Insights'' pro­vides brief insights into our com­pa­ny - today on the sub­ject of staff par­tic­i­pa­tion. When plan­ning and imple­ment­ing new, mod­ern work tables in the ware­house, the expe­ri­ence and judge­ment of the employ­ees was tak­en into account and wish­es were imple­ment­ed. At Schukat the voic­es of the employ­ees are heard, because ''togeth­er more is pos­si­ble''.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Flexibility

14.02.2020 | (0:45) "Schukat Insights" pro­vides brief insights into our com­pa­ny - today on the sub­ject of flex­i­bil­i­ty. No mat­ter what and how much you need, we at Schukat will do it for you - and at real­ly good prices. Georg Schukat shows how orders are put togeth­er by us accord­ing to the indi­vid­ual needs of our cus­tomers.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Growth

16.01.2020 | (0:45) ""Schukat Insights" pro­vides brief insights into our com­pany - today on the sub­ject of growth. Dur­ing a tour, Edith Schukat will guide you through our new high-bay ware­house, which with its open space pri­mar­i­ly offers space. Space for new man­u­fac­tur­ers, new sup­pli­ers, new prod­ucts and good busi­ness.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Family

15.05.2019 | (0:39) "Schukat Insights" pro­vides a brief insight into our com­pa­ny - today on the sub­ject of the fam­i­ly. Man­ag­ing direc­tor Edith Schukat talks about the trust­ing coop­er­a­tion with our employ­ees, which is char­ac­ter­ized by sat­is­fac­tion and appre­ci­a­tion.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: A New Start

07.05.2019 | (0:44) "Schukat Insights" pro­vides brief insights into our com­pa­ny - today on the top­ic of a new start. Since autumn 2018 we have been sup­ply­ing our cus­tomers from our new logis­tics cen­tre in Mon­heim am Rhein. The sib­lings Edith and Georg Schukat talk about the dynam­ics of our com­pa­ny and the goals that go hand in hand with the new oppor­tu­ni­ties.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Innovation

07.05.2019 | (0:42) "Schukat Insights" pro­vides brief insights into our com­pa­ny - today on the sub­ject of inno­va­tion. Our new, high­ly inno­v­a­tive ware­house logis­tics rep­re­sents a major mile­stone in the com­pa­ny's his­to­ry. Bert Schukat explains the spe­cial fea­tures of the shut­tle sys­tem and the added val­ue it rep­re­sents for our cus­tomers.  continue

Schukat Insights - Today: Reliability

12.04.2019 | (0:41) "Schukat Insights" pro­vides brief insights into our com­pa­ny - today on the sub­ject of reli­a­bil­i­ty. Our man­ag­ing direc­tor Georg Schukat talks about the prin­ci­ples towards our cus­tomers. Reli­a­bil­i­ty and safe­ty go hand in hand with our new logis­tics cen­tre, because promis­es are kept.  continue

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