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New Schukat webshop - switch now!

26.08.2024 | Our new web­shop is now avail­able at shop.schukat.com! To make select­ing prod­ucts quick and easy, it offers many fea­tures, such as a new intu­itive nav­i­ga­tion struc­ture, cat­e­go­ry-spe­cif­ic fil­ters, exten­sive prod­uct data, sav­able shop­ping carts, and much more. Check out our new web­shop today. We hope you enjoy brows­ing!   continue

New to Our Range: 600V Super Junction MOSFETs in the NE Series from Taiwan Semiconductor

18.09.2024 | Among our new port­fo­lio addi­tions are the 600V super junc­tion MOSFETs in Taiwan Semi­con­duc­tor’s NE series (TSM60NExx), which have been designed to improve effi­cien­cy and pow­er den­si­ty in high-volt­age appli­ca­tions. Inte­grat­ing 4th gen­er­a­tion super junc­tion tech­nol­o­gy that enables an excep­tion­al­ly low on-resis­tance (RDS(ON)) and low gate charge   continue

New Three-terminal Current Limiting Modules from Polytronics Now in Stock at Schukat

25.09.2024 | We have added new SMD fus­es from the CLM series from the Tai­wanese man­u­fac­tur­er Poly­tron­ics Tech­nol­o­gy Corp. to our port­fo­lio. These cur­rent lim­it­ing mod­ules (CLM) are sur­face-mount­able 3-pole chip com­po­nents able to pro­tect against both over­cur­rent and over­load, con­tain­ing a fuse ele­ment that ensures sta­ble oper­a­tion at nor­mal cur­rent and   continue

AEC-Q200 Compliant: Panasonic’s New ZL Series SMD Polymer Hybrid Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

04.09.2024 | At Schukat, we have now added the new capac­i­tors in the ZL series from Panasonic Indus­try to our prod­uct port­fo­lio. The SMD elec­trolyt­ic capac­i­tors in the ZL series tar­get auto­mo­tive appli­ca­tions, amongst oth­ers, where capac­i­tors need to be more heat resis­tant, have a small­er form fac­tor, and offer greater capac­i­tance than ever before.   continue

New High Efficiency AC/DC DIN-Rail Power Supplies of the REDIIN Series from RECOM

28.08.2024 | We have added the new AC/DC DIN rail pow­er sup­plies in Recom's REDIIN series to our port­fo­lio. The units have an input range of 90 to 264VAC, out­put pow­er of 120, 240 or 480W, and fea­ture inno­v­a­tive design tech­nol­o­gy, achiev­ing effi­cien­cy of up to 93.5%. In stan­dard DIN rail for­mat, the units mea­sure 123.4mm deep and 123.6mm high in a closed design   continue

Compact E-mode 650V GaN Transistors from TSC for High-performance Systems

21.08.2024 | The new 650V GaN tran­sis­tors/E-mode HEMT (Enhance­ment-mode High Elec­tron Mobil­i­ty Tran­sis­tors) from Taiwan Semi­con­duc­tor are now avail­able from us. With its com­pact form fac­tor, the prod­uct fam­i­ly meets the demands of mod­ern high-pow­er sys­tems that call for high­er oper­at­ing cur­rents and effi­cien­cies along­side small­er size and low­er weight   continue

VIKING Thin-film Resistors: Ready for Use in Many Vertical Markets

07.08.2024 | The SMD thin-film resis­tors from Tai­wanese man­u­fac­tur­er Viking are now avail­able from Schukat's ware­house. The ARM03 series is AEC-Q200 com­pli­ant and is aimed at appli­ca­tions in the auto­mo­tive and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions sec­tor, med­ical equip­ment and sen­sors, indus­tri­al mea­sur­ing devices and machines as well as var­i­ous sen­sors   continue

High Processing Power: ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit Flash Microcontrollers GD32F103 Series from GIGADEVICE

01.02.2024 | The 32-bit flash micro­con­trollers in GIGADE­VICE’s GD32F103 series, based on the ARM® Cor­tex™-M3 RISC core, deliv­er high com­put­ing per­for­mance com­bined with low pow­er con­sump­tion. They are now in stock at Schukat. For max­i­mum effi­cien­cy, the ARM® Cor­tex™-M3 32-bit proces­sor core oper­ates at a frequency of 108 MHz.   continue

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