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SiC Schottky Diodes of the 650VG1 Series from TSC Now Available from Schukat

24.07.2024 | The new 650VG1 series sil­i­con car­bide (SiC) Schot­tky diodes from Taiwan Semi­con­duc­tor are now avail­able from Schukat electronic. The diodes are well suit­ed for demand­ing, high-effi­cien­cy AC-DC, DC-DC and DC-AC con­ver­sion appli­ca­tions, offer­ing – in con­trast to sil­i­con-based fast recov­ery rec­ti­fiers – low capac­i­tive charge (QC) due to low switch­ing loss­es.  continue

Unpack and go! The Display Visions EADEMOPACK-CLIMA lets you monitor air quality ''out-of-the-box''

15.02.2024 | Mon­i­tor air qual­i­ty ''out-of-the-box'' with the EADE­MOPACK-CLI­MA from Display Visions. The 2.8 inch touch display makes chang­ing texts and images easy with the EA uniTFT­De­sign­er. The display pro­vides clear con­trasts for mea­sured val­ues and as sta­tus display as well as bril­liant colours thanks to IPS tech­nol­o­gy, touch func­tion and extreme­ly bright illu­mi­na­tion  continue

Schukat Adds Relpol’s RM40B Series of Mini Print Relays to its Range

26.06.2024 | New in our prod­uct port­fo­lio are the RM40B series print relay from Relpol. With their small form fac­tor and low weight, they are ide­al for space-sav­ing PCB design and are used in such appli­ca­tions as house­hold appli­ances, automa­tion sys­tems, mea­sur­ing equip­ment and coun­ters, remote con­trols, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion devices, and light­ing con­trols.  continue

Sunon and Schukat Celebrate 40th Anniversary: Vision of a Leading Brand Realised in Germany - New Plant in the Philippines

25.10.2023 | Reflect­ing on a mar­vel­lous suc­cess sto­ry Schukat and Sunon - both com­pa­nies have grown con­sid­er­ably in the course of more than 40 years of coop­er­a­tion: In the last few years alone since the intro­duc­tion of SAP, Schukat has sup­plied cus­tomers with 50 mil­lion Sunon fans. Schukat's extreme­ly suc­cess­ful part­ner­ship with the man­u­fac­tur­er Sunon began in 1983  continue

MEAN WELL’s SHP-30K High-performance Power Supply Series Now Available at Schukat

12.06.2024 | New in our MEAN WELL range is the SHP-30K series of high-per­for­mance pow­er sup­plies, cur­rent­ly the most pow­er­ful 30KW AC/DC sin­gle-unit pow­er sup­ply in the world. It fea­tures a 3-phase, 3-wire AC input and offers four stan­dard mod­els for DC out­put, includ­ing a low volt­age 55V out­put (<.60V SELV) and high volt­age out­put­s (HVD­C) of 115V/230V/380V.  continue

RECOM RPZ and RPL Series: Cost-effective DC/DC Miniature Modules in SMT QFN Package

10.07.2024 | Schukat is expand­ing its range to include Recom’s RPZ and RPL series of non-iso­lat­ed DC/DC buck con­vert­ers with inte­grat­ed induc­tors. Housed in a minia­ture pack­age, they set a new bench­mark in terms of per­for­mance and size. Appli­ca­tions include micro­con­trollers, sen­sors, embed­ded sys­tems, portable electronics, IoT devices, con­sumer electronics and med­ical devices.  continue

UHU Repair All Powerkitt: A True All-rounder for Repairs, Bonding, Sealing, Mending, Filling and Modelling

18.01.2024 | UHU Repair All Pow­erkitt is a true all-rounder for repairs, bond­ing, seal­ing, mend­ing, fill­ing and mod­el­ling, and is com­pat­i­ble with a wide range of mate­ri­als. A fast-cur­ing, two-com­po­nent epoxy put­ty, UHU Repair All Pow­erkitt is extreme­ly hard after cur­ing and can be drilled, sawn, sand­ed, sand­blast­ed and paint­ed. The put­ty is easy to han­dle and is notable for its excep­tion­al­ly wide range of appli­ca­tions.  continue

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