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Passive and Electromechanical

Schukat Adds Relpol’s RM40B Series of Mini Print Relays to its Range

26.06.2024 | New in our prod­uct port­fo­lio are the RM40B series print relay from Relpol. With their small form fac­tor and low weight, they are ide­al for space-sav­ing PCB design and are used in such appli­ca­tions as house­hold appli­ances, automa­tion sys­tems, mea­sur­ing equip­ment and coun­ters, remote con­trols, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion devices, and light­ing con­trols.  continue

Schurter DG11 and DG12 IEC Power Connectors with TA35 Circuit Breaker and V-lock

24.04.2024 | New to our prod­uct port­fo­lio are the IEC com­bi­na­tion pow­er con­nec­tors in Schurter’s DG11 and DG12 series. In addi­tion to the TA35 cir­cuit break­er, the DG12 ver­sion inte­grates a line fil­ter in both stan­dard and med­ical con­fig­u­ra­tions. Both the DG11 and DG12 also offer the extra pro­tec­tion afford­ed by an IEC 60529-com­pli­ant IP67 ver­sion as well as the stan­dard IP40 mod­els.  continue

Thermal Circuit Breaker Type 1110 from E-T-A, Now Available at Schukat

27.03.2024 | Schukat is expand­ing its range of equip­ment cir­cuit break­ers with the new­ly added type 1110 from E-T-A. This sin­gle-pole ther­mal com­bi­na­tion cir­cuit break­er com­bines the func­tion of an on/off switch (push­but­ton/pres­sure actu­a­tion) with over­load pro­tec­tion in a sin­gle com­po­nent. With its slen­der, space-sav­ing, square design, it rep­re­sents an ide­al replace­ment for a ver­ti­cal fuse hold­er, sav­ing both space and mon­ey.  continue

Schukat’s Latest Addition: T55 Series vPolyTan™ SMD Polymer Tantalum Capacitors from Vishay

20.03.2024 | Schukat has now added Vishay’s epoxy-encap­su­lat­ed T55 series vPoly­TanTM SMD poly­mer tan­ta­lum chip capac­i­tors to its prod­uct range. These high-per­for­mance com­po­nents cov­er a broad capac­i­tance range from 3.3µF to 1000µF with rat­ed volt­ages from 2.5 to 10VDC avail­able. Capac­i­tance tol­er­ance is ±20%, while the oper­at­ing tem­per­a­ture range extends from -55°C to +105°C or +125°C  continue

BOX4U – High-quality Enclosures at an Attractive Price, Now at Schukat

12.02.2024 | Now avail­able at Schukat are the styl­ish BOX4U uni­ver­sal indus­tri­al enclo­sures in the UL-list­ed mate­ri­als ABS plas­tic and poly­car­bon­ate. Mount­ing points for self-tap­ping screws are pro­vid­ed in the enclo­sure base for attach­ing com­po­nents, cir­cuit boards, and mount­ing plates. All BOX4U enclo­sures have a high-qual­i­ty screw-on lid with thread­ed inserts  continue

New FXP Fuseholders from Schurter for 600V AC/DC Applications

24.01.2024 | The FXP closed fuse hold­er from Schurter is a new addi­tion to our range. Designed for high-pow­er appli­ca­tions – i.e. with rat­ed cur­rents up to 25A and rat­ed volt­age of 500VAC (8W) accord­ing to IEC, or up to 45A at 600 VAC/VDC accord­ing to UL – the FXP fuse hold­er thus meets the forth­com­ing exten­sion of IEC stan­dard 60127-6  continue

New Zettler Relay Series AZEV Designed for Charging Infrastructure of E-vehicles

05.01.2024 | In response to grow­ing demand in the pri­vate sec­tor, we have expand­ing our relay range to meet the needs of elec­tric vehi­cles and their charg­ing infra­struc­ture. The sin­gle-pole relays in Zettler’s AZEV116, AZEV132 and AZEV140 series fea­ture a spe­cial mon­i­tor­ing con­tact that can sig­nal weld­ing of the load con­tact in case of a fault  continue

ETQP Series AEC-Q200-certified SMD Power Choke Coils from Panasonic

12.12.2023 | Panasonic’s ETQP series of SMD pow­er induc­tors are now part of the Schukat port­fo­lio. Spe­cial­ly devel­oped by Panasonic with demand­ing auto­mo­tive appli­ca­tions in mind, they are ful­ly cer­ti­fied to AEC-Q200. The mag­net­ic mate­r­i­al of the met­al com­pos­ite core, with its gap­less struc­ture, enables not only very high cur­rents, but also high heat resis­tance - up to 160°C - and excel­lent induc­tance sta­bil­i­ty over a broad tem­per­a­ture range  continue

New Ultra-compact 30A Automotive Relays of the FTR-G3 Series from Fujitsu

01.12.2023 | We have added the new relay series FTR-G3 from Fujitsu Com­po­nents to our port­fo­lio. Mea­sur­ing just 6.6x13.7x14.0mm and weigh­ing around 4.0g, it is the small­est 30A relay in its class. The plas­tic-encap­su­lat­ed com­po­nent is an ide­al choice when space is at a pre­mi­um. Espe­cial­ly attrac­tive for auto­mo­tive appli­ca­tions in pow­er win­dows, elec­tric seats, pow­er steer­ing  continue

New MP Capacitors, Class Y2, from Kemet for Worldwide Use in Interference Suppression

18.10.2023 | Now in stock at Schukat: class Y2 MP capac­i­tors for inter­fer­ence sup­pres­sion, with rat­ed volt­age of 250VAC in the PME271Y series and 300 VAC in the PME271YA-E series. The MP capac­i­tors from Kemet are well-suit­ed for use any­where in the world to sup­press elec­tro­mag­net­ic inter­fer­ence in all Y2 appli­ca­tions, line-to-earth.  continue

© Schukat electronic 2024