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Power Supplies RECOM and other

RECOM RPZ and RPL Series: Cost-effective DC/DC Miniature Modules in SMT QFN Package

10.07.2024 | Schukat is expand­ing its range to include Recom’s RPZ and RPL series of non-iso­lat­ed DC/DC buck con­vert­ers with inte­grat­ed induc­tors. Housed in a minia­ture pack­age, they set a new bench­mark in terms of per­for­mance and size. Appli­ca­tions include micro­con­trollers, sen­sors, embed­ded sys­tems, portable electronics, IoT devices, con­sumer electronics and med­ical devices.  continue

Upgraded RECOM Series: Schukat Supplements Range with the Latest DC/DC Converters

02.01.2024 | Now avail­able at Schukat are the upgrad­ed pop­u­lar RECOM series RKE, RFMM, RSO, RY, RSE, RS3. RECOM’s lat­est advances are the result of cir­cuit inno­va­tions and state-of-the-art auto­mat­ed man­u­fac­tur­ing that reduces man­u­al assembly while achiev­ing major per­for­mance improve­ments. Syn­chro­nous rec­ti­fi­ca­tion has result­ed in improved effi­cien­cy  continue

High-performance, Flicker-free Dimming of LED Applications with the New MINI Series PWM Dimmers from DALCNET

20.12.2023 | With the PWM dim­mers of the MINI series from DAL­C­NET we offer you smart all-in-one prod­ucts for white or mono­chrome LED light­ing. The sin­gle-chan­nel MINI-1CV-DALI dim­mer, for exam­ple, is com­pat­i­ble with the dig­i­tal DALI-2 pro­to­col along­side the option of ana­logue con­trol with a push­but­ton (push dim­ming), 0/1-10 volts, or via a 10kOhm poten­tiome­ter  continue

RECOM RACM06E-K/277 Switching Power Supply, Just 1.0x1.0 inch for Economical 6W AC/DC Power Supply

06.12.2023 | Recom's 6W AC/DC con­vert­er RACM06E-K/277 rep­re­sents a cost-effec­tive choice for vir­tu­al­ly any appli­ca­tion and is an ide­al choice for small portable devices in need of AC pow­er in dis­parate envi­ron­ments almost any­where the world. In the med­ical field, it stands out with max­i­mum leak­age cur­rent of 0.1mA, mak­ing it suit­able for patient con­tact appli­ca­tions. It also has many oth­er appli­ca­tions, for exam­ple as a low-cost aux­il­iary sup­ply in …  continue

Fully Automatic Battery Charging and Maintainers from YUASA: YCX Series for Lead-acid Batteries

17.11.2023 | At Schukat, we now sup­ply the new YCX series of ful­ly auto­mat­ic bat­tery charg­ers and main­tain­ers. The four units in the series have been designed by GS YUASA engi­neers for high-per­for­mance bat­tery charg­ing for motor­bikes, cars, and com­mer­cial and recre­ation­al vehi­cles. GS YUASA’s 125-plus years of expe­ri­ence in bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy has gone into devel­op­ing the series – to extend bat­tery life, main­tain per­for­mance, and deliv­er the very …  continue

New USB-C Plug-in Power Supplies from Yingjiao: Low-cost, USB-C Connector, for Industrial Applications

23.10.2023 | To help meet the grow­ing demand for cost-effec­tive USB-C pow­er sup­plies and charg­ers that are suit­able for use in indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions, Schukat is expand­ing its range with the YS16V series from Yingjiao. The main force dri­ving this grow­ing demand is that USB-C will become the manda­to­ry stan­dard for small con­sumer devices at the end of 2024  continue

Schukat Expands its RECOM Product Portfolio with the RACM90-K Series: Low-cost, Versatile AC/DC Power Supplies

28.08.2023 | Man­u­fac­tur­er Recom has added a 90W ver­sion to its pop­u­lar RACM line. Now avail­able from Schukat, the RACM90-K series switch­ing pow­er sup­plies are designed for cost-sen­si­tive appli­ca­tions and are avail­able both as an open-frame ver­sion in indus­try-stan­dard 2'' x 4'' for­mat or in an option­al met­al enclo­sure. The pow­er sup­plies fea­ture a wide input volt­age range of 85 - 264VAC with tight­ly reg­u­lat­ed indi­vid­ual out­puts  continue

New to our Portfolio: High-quality LED Dimmers from DALCNET for a Wide Range of Interface Standards

12.07.2023 | With DAL­C­NET, we are intro­duc­ing a new pro­duc­er of high-qual­i­ty LED dim­mers and LED light­ing con­trols for pro­fes­sion­al appli­ca­tions to our range. Since 2011, LED experts DAL­C­NET, based in Altavil­la Vicenti­na, Italy, have been design­ing and devel­op­ing all-in-one solu­tions for all facets of the con­trol and reg­u­la­tion of LED light­ing sys­tems.  continue

Battery Chargers for Interchangeable DC Plugs 2440 LI Series by Mascot for 1 to 16 Lithium-ion Battery Cells

29.06.2023 | With the 2440 LI series, Mas­cot offers switch-mode con­stant cur­rent con­stant volt­age (CCCV) charg­ers with a max­i­mum charg­ing cur­rent of 4A or less if required. The charg­ing cur­rent is con­trolled by an intel­li­gent 3-step charg­ing cir­cuit with cur­rent lev­el detec­tion as charge ter­mi­na­tion. This charge con­trol ful­fils all require­ments for a safe and com­plete charge of the Li-Ion bat­ter­ies  continue

NEW: Yingjiao's Inexpensive Plug-in Power Supplies for Private, Commercial and Industrial Applications

19.06.2023 | Yingjiao Elec­tri­cal Co. Ltd. was found­ed in 1995 and has since devel­oped a wide range of switch­ing pow­er sup­plies. One focus of the Ning­bo-based Chi­nese man­u­fac­tur­er is the pro­duc­tion of desk­top and plug-in pow­er sup­plies. The com­pact plug-in units now in stock at Schukat are designed for 24/7 oper­a­tion. They are TÜV-GS test­ed and com­ply with the EN 62368-1 ITE/indus­try stan­dard, EMC stan­dard EN 55032 Class B, the ener­gy effi­cien­cy …  continue

© Schukat electronic 2024