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New to Our Range: 600V Super Junction MOSFETs in the NE Series from Taiwan Semiconductor

18.09.2024 | Among our new port­fo­lio addi­tions are the 600V super junc­tion MOSFETs in Taiwan Semi­con­duc­tor’s NE series (TSM60NExx), which have been designed to improve effi­cien­cy and pow­er den­si­ty in high-volt­age appli­ca­tions. Inte­grat­ing 4th gen­er­a­tion super junc­tion tech­nol­o­gy that enables an excep­tion­al­ly low on-resis­tance (RDS(ON)) and low gate charge (QG), the MOSFETs pro­vide excel­lent switch­ing per­for­mance and effi­cien­cy.  continue

Compact E-mode 650V GaN Transistors from TSC for High-performance Systems

21.08.2024 | The new 650V GaN tran­sis­tors/E-mode HEMT (Enhance­ment-mode High Elec­tron Mobil­i­ty Tran­sis­tors) from TSC are now avail­able from us. With its com­pact form fac­tor, the prod­uct fam­i­ly meets the demands of mod­ern high-pow­er sys­tems that call for high­er oper­at­ing cur­rents and effi­cien­cies along­side small­er size and low­er weight. They have been specif­i­cal­ly designed for indus­tri­al and renew­able ener­gy appli­ca­tions and fea­ture the high­est …  continue

SiC Schottky Diodes of the 650VG1 Series from TSC Now Available from Schukat

24.07.2024 | The new 650VG1 series sil­i­con car­bide (SiC) Schot­tky diodes from Taiwan Semi­con­duc­tor are now avail­able from Schukat electronic. The diodes are well suit­ed for demand­ing, high-effi­cien­cy AC-DC, DC-DC and DC-AC con­ver­sion appli­ca­tions, offer­ing – in con­trast to sil­i­con-based fast recov­ery rec­ti­fiers – low capac­i­tive charge (QC) due to low switch­ing loss­es.  continue

Working Together for the European Semiconductor Market: Schukat and TSC Celebrate 20 Years of Collaboration

29.05.2024 | Twen­ty years ago, electronics dis­trib­u­tor Schukat electronic and semiconductor man­u­fac­tur­er Taiwan Semi­con­duc­tor Europe GmbH (TSC) decid­ed to join forces, aim­ing to estab­lish high-per­for­mance and cost-effec­tive semiconductor prod­ucts in the Euro­pean mar­ket. Look­ing back, it was a strate­gi­cal­ly impor­tant deci­sion that has facil­i­tat­ed sus­tained and mutu­al growth for both com­pa­nies.  continue

High Processing Power and Reduced Power Consumption: ARM Cortex-M3 32-bit Flash Microcontrollers GD32F103 Series from GIGADEVICE

01.02.2024 | The 32-bit flash micro­con­trollers in GIGADE­VICE’s GD32F103 series, based on the ARM® Cor­tex™-M3 RISC core, deliv­er high com­put­ing per­for­mance com­bined with low pow­er con­sump­tion. They are now in stock at Schukat. For max­i­mum effi­cien­cy, the ARM® Cor­tex™-M3 32-bit proces­sor core oper­ates at a frequency of 108 MHz.  continue

High-quality Operational Amplifier Alternatives from SGMicro, for All Applications

03.11.2023 | With the oper­a­tional ampli­fiers from SGMi­cro, we now offer a series of inter­est­ing, high-qual­i­ty and attrac­tive­ly priced alter­na­tives to the oper­a­tional ampli­fiers from oth­er well-known op-amp man­u­fac­tur­ers, for all appli­ca­tions. Whether you are look­ing for high pre­ci­sion, low noise, high speed, micro-pow­er or nano-pow­er oper­a­tional ampli­fiers: the Chi­nese pro­duc­ers deliv­ers a wide-rang­ing selec­tion of op-amps in all these cat­e­gories, …  continue

Espressif Systems: Uncomplicated, Secure Connection of Applications and Devices to the IoT

12.09.2023 | The WiFi/Blue­tooth mod­ules from Chi­nese man­u­fac­tur­er Espres­sif Sys­tems, a recent addi­tion to our range, will allow you, in future, to con­nect your appli­ca­tions and devices to the Inter­net of Things (IoT) sim­ply and secure­ly. The Espres­sif WiFi mod­ules are based on the WiFi SoC IC series ESP8266 (ESP mod­ules), ESP32 (ESP32 mod­ules) or ESP32-S2 (ESP32-S2 mod­ules), all devel­oped by Espres­sif itself.  continue

''Programmable Logic'' from Cologne Chip: FPGA CCGM1A1-BGA324 from the GateMate™ Series and Corresponding Cevelopment Board Available

31.08.2023 | Schukat has now added the CCGM1A1-BGA324 FPGAs from Cologne Chip’s Gate­M­ate™ series to its prod­uct range. Gate­M­ate™’s match­ing CCGM1A1-E-31B FPGA eval­u­a­tion board is now also avail­able from the dis­trib­u­tor. The rich­ly fea­tured devel­op­ment board is ready for imme­di­ate use and serves as a ref­er­ence design for direct entry into appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment, with Cologne Chip facil­i­tat­ing entry into devel­op­ment by offer­ing the com­plete tool­chain …  continue

DC/DC Step-down Switching Regulators from Manufacturer SG MICRO, Now in Stock

17.07.2023 | We have extend­ed our prod­uct range to include the step-down switch­ing reg­u­la­tors in the SG MICRO’s SGM series (SGM61030, SGM61230, SGM61410, SGM61430 and SGM61220). The reg­u­la­tors offer a broad input volt­age range from 2.5V to 42V, while out­put cur­rent ranges from 0.6A to 3A with very high-effi­cien­cy.  continue

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