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Power Supplies Mean Well

MEAN WELL’s SHP-30K High-performance Power Supply Series Now Available at Schukat

12.06.2024 | New in our MEAN WELL range is the SHP-30K series of high-per­for­mance pow­er sup­plies, cur­rent­ly the most pow­er­ful 30KW AC/DC sin­gle-unit pow­er sup­ply in the world. It fea­tures a 3-phase, 3-wire AC input and offers four stan­dard mod­els for DC out­put, includ­ing a low volt­age 55V out­put (<.60V SELV) and high volt­age out­put­s (HVD­C) of 115V/230V/380V.  continue

Efficient Charging Anywhere in the World with MEAN WELL Plug-in Power Supply and Fast Charger NGE100

14.05.2024 | New to our prod­uct range is the MEAN WELL NGE100 uni­ver­sal 100W USB fast charg­ers with four out­puts. The charg­er is fit­ted with stan­dard­ised USB-C charg­ing inter­faces, as manda­to­ry in the EU from 28 Decem­ber 2024. The NGE100 charg­er comes with 6 inter­change­able pow­er plugs (EU, US, UK, AU, CN, KR), mak­ing it suit­able for inter­na­tion­al use.  continue

Schukat Adds MEAN WELL XLN and XLC Series to Range: Compact NFC LED Drivers

17.04.2024 | Schukat has now added MEAN WELL's XLN/XLC NFC series to its range. These new LED switch­ing pow­er sup­plies have a plas­tic hous­ing that pro­vides pro­tec­tion class II (IP67 for XLN and IP20 for XLC) and dou­ble insu­la­tion. To meet dif­fer­ent cus­tomers’ needs, the XLN series cov­ers all stan­dard cable types and the XLC series offers ter­mi­nal blocks both with or with­out end caps and strain relief.  continue

New! VFD Series Variable Frequency Drives from MEAN WELL for Brushless Industrial DC Motors

03.04.2024 | Avail­able now from us and from stock are the indus­tri­al frequency invert­ers in MEAN WELL’s VFD series, with 150W to 750W. The inno­v­a­tive series com­pris­es eight mod­els for both DC and AC input and in both par­tial­ly encap­su­lat­ed and open-frame vari­ants. The mod­els suit­able for AC input fea­ture an inte­grat­ed PFC func­tion with out­put of 250W to 750W as well as PWM con­trol inputs and sen­sor sig­nals that allow the motor speed to be adjust­ed …  continue

New in the Schukat Range: The NGE Series Wall-mounted Adapters from MEAN WELL

13.03.2024 | Schukat has expand­ed its MEAN WELL port­fo­lio with the addi­tion of the com­plete range of their new NGE plug-in pow­er sup­plies. The range cov­ers out­put pow­er rat­ings of 12W, 18W, 30W, 45W, 65W and 90W, meet­ing the pow­er require­ments of a broad spec­trum of electronic devices. With a slim pro­file – just 28mm (NGE 12/18) or 30mm (NGE 30/45/65/90) – they take up min­i­mal space on sock­et strips, while their wide tem­per­a­ture range from -30 to …  continue

Portfolio Expansion: Ultra-flat PCB Power Supplies from the MEAN WELL LOP-family

28.02.2024 | Electronics dis­trib­u­tor Schukat has now added MEAN WELL’s LOP-200 and LOP-300 pow­er sup­plies to its prod­uct range. With rat­ed pow­er of 200W or 300W and a low pro­file, they offer an input range of 80VAC to 264VAC and come in a com­pact 4x2 inch hous­ing. Fea­tures include low stand­by pow­er con­sump­tion, adjustable out­put volt­age, and suit­abil­i­ty for pro­tec­tion class I/II appli­ca­tions. Peak load capac­i­ty is 150%.  continue

Enclosed MEAN WELL Switching Power Supply LRS-N2 with 100W: Keeping Power-supply Acquisition Costs Low

07.02.2024 | We have expand­ed our MEAN WELL pow­er sup­ply port­fo­lio to include the LRS-100-N2 series switch­ing pow­er sup­plies with 100 watts of nom­i­nal pow­er. The recent­ly launched LRS-100-N2 series dif­fer­en­ti­ates itself from the pre­vi­ous LRS series pri­mar­i­ly in the short-dura­tion pro­vi­sion of 200% peak pow­er for up to 5 sec­onds, which mit­i­gates the prob­lems encoun­tered in adapt­ing to such short-term pow­er demands as high start-up cur­rents in …  continue

MEAN WELL BIC-2200 AC/DC Power Supplies: Bidirectional Power Supplies with Energy Recycle Function

10.01.2024 | Among Schukat’s newest addi­tions is MEAN WELL’s BIC-2200 series. This is the first bidi­rec­tion­al pow­er sup­ply with an ener­gy recy­cle func­tion and it aims, among oth­er things, to replace the two uni­di­rec­tion­al pow­er sup­plies com­mon­ly used in bat­tery pro­duc­tion with a sin­gle BIC-2200. The pow­er sup­plies are ful­ly dig­i­tal 2.2kW units with ener­gy recy­cling in a low-pro­file 1U design, and are designed to con­trol pow­er trans­fer from the AC …  continue

MEAN WELL and Schukat: a Very Special Fundraising Campaign

29.11.2023 | As the biggest MEAN WELL dis­trib­u­tor in Europe, Schukat gen­er­at­ed record turnover in 2022 – and thus cre­at­ed the basis for a very large dona­tion fund, to which MEAN WELL con­tributed USD $445,000. With this gen­er­ous bud­get, Schukat has been able not only to sup­port the pos­i­tive devel­op­ment of the MEAN WELLl brand, but both com­pa­nies – in addi­tion to their own spon­sored social projects – have joint­ly been able to ful­fil their social …  continue

Schukat and MEAN WELL: Successful Presence at the SPS in Nuremberg

23.11.2023 | After a long break, we were back as an exhibitor at the SPS in Nurem­berg this year togeth­er with our part­ner MEAN WELL. True to the trade fair's focus on automa­tion, we were able to con­vince many exist­ing and new cus­tomers of our solu­tions in the field of indus­tri­al pow­er sup­plies from Novem­ber 14 to 16. We are delight­ed with the inten­sive, tar­get­ed and inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions. Thank you very much!  continue

© Schukat electronic 2024